My Musings

Monday, June 18, 2007

A Perfect Morning

When I got up in the morning,
by the sound of drops falling
Clouds were downpouring its pride,
taking city into its cold stride

I went out to breathe the fresh air,
only to spellbound by nature's flair
Everything was looking so lively,
like God painted it so artistically

Drops of water were falling,
with a tinkling sound
Mild breeze was flowing,
with cold all around

Birds were chirping,
with a sweet vibrance
Frogs were croaking,
adding a perfect resonance

Flowers spread their fragrance,
creating a magic of aroma
Odor of sand added to redolence,
mesmerizing everyone with its chroma

It seems God was crying,
after seeing Delhites burning
Now,relieved from the sweating heat,
in a perfect mood to upbeat

Stage was set,
for a perfect morning ahead
After a gloomy week past,
a perfect begining for week ahead

(Written on 18th June, 2007 , dedicating this one to Delhi's weather.
PS : The photo above is clicked from the terrace of my home)