My Musings

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Just Imagine.....

Just Imagine, you have got a remote control in your hand, which has got control of your life. We can do whatever we want, in our unique stylish way. Whenever we are sad, we can just forward those moments of our life and when we are very happy, we can pause it there only. We could even record our best moments of life and just replay it whenever we like. Life will become a paradise.

We can even fast forward to the last day of month, to get salary at our wish. Every day will be diwali, Christmas, joy and happiness. No one will be sad. They can do anything and everything at their own will. If they don’t like something they can delete it or cut, copy –paste from one’s life. We can even go in future by forwarding our life and see what will happen.

I wish I could have such a gadget. What if that gadget has ability to change the frequency and match it to frequency of another person? So we can control someone another. First of all I will mute Rani Mukherji and also all the other noises, which cause disturbance. Also I could have used equalizer to create a melodious music out of Himesh Reshmaiya.

Just Imagine, if there is a button called “Invisible” on remote, pressing that button you can go invisible. Amazing!!!!! You can go anywhere, even wherever it’s restricted for you. Whole world will be unveiled from you. Nothing can be hided. It will be such a powerful thing.

Imagine, if there is a button named “dreams” which will take you to some hypothetical world where there are no rules and regulations and everything is governed on your wish. You can keep thinking about you fairy doll and there is no one to disturb you!!! One wouldn’t like to come out of this “dream” situation.

I was thinking that today almost each gadget comes with a remote. Why have God not produced man with a remote control? God, Are you listening to me?


  • God has not produced a man with remote control probably b'coz someone's joy could result in
    sorrow of the other. Just consider a cricket team wins n other looses and with that win/loss are associated millions of other hearts. One set of ppl ll replay and the other ll fwd the same inconsistent n impossible situation :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:45 AM  

  • I liked the Invisible functionality.
    IF i get that, u know how i'll use it ;)

    By Blogger Saurav, At 12:53 AM  

  • hey you gotta see the movie "CLICK" ... this gut Adam he gets the remote control you are talking about.. he can Rewing, Fwd, Pause and do anything in his life... but then he realizes one day that he has missed something in life.. something he shud hav cherished! Watch it !!

    By Blogger Vibrance !, At 7:31 AM  

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