My Musings

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Dreamz Unlimited!!!

Dream, the most beautiful and tantalizing word in the English dictionary. Dreams can drive one person crazy, can be fulfillment of one’s desire or may be just a creation of another hypothetical world surrounding him/her.

Scientifically, dreams are the result of what we think, images and thoughts in our sub-conscious mind conjures up to form one of the greatest, wildest, craziest hypothetical world of dreams. They reflect one’s personality and state of mind, what he thinks and what he believes, what he does. Sometimes what he wants to achieve is there in back of mind and conjures up in his world of dreams.

There are two types of people who dare to dream and other’s who don’t dare to dream. People who dare to dream can achieve anything in life because they see a goal. They have seen that place or that position where they want to reach, only what matters is to follow the path and have strong determination to reach that destination. Life is not a bed of roses but don’t ever let the failure’s grapple you and push down the dark muddy bottom where there is no hope. Just make your failures your stepping-stone to success.

Other type of people don’t even want to dream because they are afraid that if there dream doesn’t come true they might broke down, so they choose the simplest path in life which ends up as a final failure. These people can’t achieve the heights of life. They are always satisfied with what they have achieved.

Dreams were always an enchanting world to me right from my childhood. I wanted to see myself in different shades of a successful person flying an air force jet, or being a successful doctor, or a dashing fashion photographer, or a merchant navy person or at last an engineer. Aims and role models kept changing from time to time. One day after watching one movie in my childhood, I wanted to direct a movie too. When I got into college one day a thought came to my mind that I can be a professional animator creating amazing, mind blowing virtual games and filling lives into 3-D cartoons. And now in job I think I can be a good at nature photography. These days while I am learning swimming, I am thinking I can be a good professional diver too. Once upon a time, I wanted to be a professional Formula One driver.

Oh Man! so many things to do and I have got only one life to do all these. These can’t be done in realty, but can be done in dreams only.

I always wanted to work for some NGO and open up one orphanage for small children or help them in whatever ways I can do. One day I dream of opening my own venture too.
Some days back I got a thought of work in some dominos or pizza hut so that I can make 10 pizzas for other and can make one for me daily, as I love pizzas badly. In childhood, my friend group had even thought of opening up a dance bar when we grow up. We had even thought up our roles. Also, once we thought up of opening a shop of chole bhature if we didn’t get any job. Now when I think of those school days, I laugh on those discussions we used to have.

Even dreams consists of some of the craziest and naughtiest ones. Reading comics, watching cartoons, being mad about Diya Mirza, dreaming about my fairy doll, traveling to calm and serene places where you can’t find human species like Antartica and Mt everest, proposing my dreamgirl, making love to her, driving most expensive and fastest car on this earth, having my own aeroplane and a big mansion with my personal swimming pool, going on a world tour, spending my vacations on a luxurious cruise.

It can some times be very dreadful and scary too. In my childhood, I used to get scared a lot in my dreams after watching horror movies and TV shows. Once I remembered I saw 100 days and couldn’t sleep for that whole night as those movie scenes used to come into my mind. I used to feel that someone will come from back and squeeze my neck like a lemon. In one of my dreams, I felt I am sleeping and someone came and stabbed me in my stomach. I used to be drenched completely in sweat. Now I think of those days and laugh what a bad effect I had of horror movies and shows. I used to fear getting alone out of my house as I always dreamt that someone will put some sack on me and kidnap me. Even sometimes I got scolded for being such a fearful kid. But that was just an era of time, which got passed away.

Yesterday night I had a notorious dream. I was about to leave from office at 8pm and I got a mail from my HR saying I had to leave for US for some important work and have a flight at 12 in night today. I ran to my home, packed my bags and ran to airport. Some of my juniors were also going in that flight to US. I was surprised to see them in a fancy dress. They were only in Bermudas. I got to know that there is very high security checking and we have to do the security check in that way only. We can carry our clothes and change when we went inside the plane. I was very much hesitant but when I saw a group of people from my office in same way, I was shocked. I entered the airport and saw whole crowd was in same fancy dress. I was feeling that I am in changing room of swimming pool complex. Then somehow I managed to get through and entered the plane. But flight was very much delayed. Then we got to know that our flight is going to takeoff from alternate run way which no one use now, it used to once used by air force. Our pilot took the plane on that runway and waited for our turn. But there were no officials there. We were waiting for them for hours now. Then get down on runway and started playing there as if we were not a part of this world. Then I got up and saw the time, it was 5 am.

I almost get some craziest, wackiest dreams every other night but most of them start fading up when I get up in morning. I think, it’s really a fantasizing world and you can do anything in that world. Only you need to have courage to feel and BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMS and try to make them a reality.


  • Hey this one was good too.. Humourous !! But the article seemed to end suddenly.. you shud add more towards the ending.

    By Blogger Vibrance !, At 11:28 PM  

  • Watch out for the second part....I am planning to write a sequel to this article..:-)

    By Blogger Gaurav Nayyar, At 10:52 PM  

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