My Musings

Monday, September 11, 2006

@30 seconds

Hands stretched straight up above the shoulders aiming high towards the sky, relaxed, took deep breath, closed my eyes and plunged into the water just like a dolphin entering inside the water. My body was going down the water as if someone has tied some heavy stones to my body and I am moving down and down inside the deep water. I had held my breath. I was searching for floor of pool with my legs. I tried opening my eyes inside water. Water was going deep blue as if some painter had filled up his painting with different shades of blue. Suddenly I felt I am not able to hold on my breath and I was gasping for oxygen. A ray of light was coming from top and showing me the path to my destiny. I forgot for what I had jumped into water. I was moving my hands and legs desperately to get out of the troublesome situation. The light was getting brighter and color of water was getting light blue. I was approaching the surface. I can see the dim faces standing near the poolside. I took a sudden push outside the water gasping for deep breath and then suddenly went again inside the water around 2-3 feet deep inside. I was trying to move my limbs to do cycling and keep myself afloat but the faster the movement of my limbs, faster I was going down. Water entered my nostrils and I was gasping for oxygen inside the water. At that time my mind was totally blocked, no thoughts were coming to my mind. I was sinking deep into the water. Suddenly someone gave me a hand and pulled me out of water. Lifeguard had jumped inside the water to come to my rescue. That was the first 4th day of my swimming classes and we had an exercise to jump inside the deep end of 18 feet swimming pool and touch the bottom of pool with our feet. I almost sank in front of many people standing and watching my fearsome show. I was really scared, as it was just a gap of those 30 seconds or may be less between life and death. But one has to take risks in life to overcome the failures of life. But can we get hold of our mind blockage?

Mind blockage is a state of mind when mind suddenly stops working, it doesn’t know what to do, what’s right and what’s wrong for us. The difference between truth and lie seems fading away. Scientifically, it’s the state in which reaction time of mind increases due to secretion of some hormones in body. Some falls into this state when they are novice, doing things for the first time or may be drunk or doped very badly and fails to recognize their conscience.

It’s just the difference between the failure and success. No one comes here with master of everything. One has to do things always for the first time. Determination, attitude towards life and hunger for winning helps in building self - confidence. One who gets control over his state of mind blockage, can easily cover up the hiatus between the failure and success.


  • That was cool writing gaurav ....

    I started the idea of swimming sometime back but just thought its not for me.

    By Blogger Manpreet, At 12:23 PM  

  • Hey Gaurav, Amazing work! But is this based on true incidence ?? Must be a scary experience... Hope u are learning swimming at good pace...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:48 PM  

  • Hi Manpreet,

    I will say re-join the swimimng, its damm amzing thing and its really lots of fun. there are ups and downs and sometimes u might have the feeling that u r drowned but when u learn it after all hiccups its really yeilds the most satisfying moments of my whole day.

    By Blogger Gaurav Nayyar, At 9:53 PM  

  • Hi Surbhi,

    Yeah this was the real experience I had. And after this experience I was very scared to enter the pool but now its really fun going out there and i love doing this excercise.

    And I am doing it in safe place thats why i am alive and writing reply to your comments:-)

    By Blogger Gaurav Nayyar, At 9:55 PM  

  • hi gudd one gaurav.yeha i know yu're alive and kicking.....and keep this never say die attitue widd yu.....a failure is rather a stepping stoone for success.........mark my words yu failed once ..yu 'll one day become a real gudd swimmer

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 6:29 AM  

  • hehe. Nayyar saab is great :))

    By Blogger Harry, At 9:53 AM  

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