My Musings

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Never Die Attitude

Life, life, life sometimes I keep thinking what is the best way to lead a happy life? Will lots of money, cars, gadgets, beautiful life partner, and luxurious life style make life happy? These are just an illusion created by our own selves or may be just a sign to show off our status, but I think the real way to live happy is to make other’s happy around you i.e. your family and beloved ones then only you will get to know the real meaning of happiness. When you will see just a single smile on their face you will also feel much more calm or composed, sometimes that might come on the expense of your smile but just try out just once, it will be a great satisfying experience. Just take an example of a mother who tries to fulfill each and every desire of her child at the cost of her happiness.

One other hindrance in leading a happy life is fear of failure. I believe failure is a stepping stone to success. Whenever you are feeling lowly and deject and want to give up, don’t leave it there because you never know that your destination might be near by. There is one example of Thomas Edison. When he was in late sixty’s his factory went into fire and all his hardwork of his life went into ashes, but he didn’t breakdown, instead he just said “I am thankful to God that he burnt up all my mistakes so that I can startup afresh with new ideas.” Never think its too late to startup and never give up when you think you had tried a lot and everything is getting out of your control.
Just give a break for some time and start thinking out of box, keep trying new ideas and you will definitely get success and can change this whole world.

Another pillar to lead a good life is determination and hard work to achieve anything in life. Life is useless without them. When you are determined to achieve something, success will definitely come your way, the only thing you need is hard work. There is one famous story of an athlete Wilma Rudolph. She got a polio attack and became paralytic in her childhood. She can’t even stand on her legs without braces. Doctors had said she can walk properly throughout her life. But she had a dream to become the fastest person on this earth. Her mother removed those braces and made her walk without them. She fell down, crawled without them, but didn’t left hope and started walking on her legs one day and then started taking part in races. But she was coming way back in leagues races. Again she didn’t breakdown, kept her morale up to make her way to win 4 gold medals in 1967 Olympics and became the fastest women on earth. She won because she dared to dream and had great courage and determination in herself.

I think Life is a garden of roses, which appears to be very pleasant from outside but has worst thorns attached to it, You only need to have a great mind, attitude to pick out the rose out of bushes of thorns and great spirit of achieving success, so that even you get injured while picking those roses, don’t leave the good work in between but try to learn from mistakes to make to your life a bed full of roses.

One of my good friend has only told me “Nothing is Impossible in this world as word Impossible itself says I m possible”. At one point of time, that friend gave me inspiration in life. Life is just like a roller coaster ride which goes through various phases of happiness and sadness, ups and downs, crests and troughs, but the real winner is one who never lets his morale down and keeps continuing to fight till the eternity (because there is no end). Life is not always fair to everyone and if there are no hardships, sadness or bad times in one’s life, he will forget the meaning of happiness or success in life. So that’s the golden rule for happiness/success. At last I want to say, Keep the spirit up and fight like a gladiator in the arena of life!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Thanks a lot for finding time to write this.. This is the most inspiring thing for me which I often come by and read.

    I am grateful to you for being so thoughful and spending time to write something for me.. Actually, the statement "Nothing is Impossible" holds true for both good, bad phases.. So, we learn that in life we do have to pass through bad phases too.. After all someone very close to me always told me "Life is not a Bed of Roses".

    And, he only believes that Life is a challenge each day. May be I am not that much courageous still.. Well, as I said before, I know I need to learn to face the tough times too..

    I once again want to thank you for quoting such motivating examples in your Blog. Thanks Thanks Thanks !!

    I would be signing this comment as "Anonymous" but you know this is Me !!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 1:02 PM  

  • Yeah i recognize you afterall this blog was dedicated to you only. But if you remember I had changed the blog a bit in the last para.

    Anyways, I would still say fight fight fight till the end....Best of Luck!!!!

    By Blogger Gaurav Nayyar, At 9:49 PM  

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